ProLon improves healthy skin
We have heard anecdotes about ProLon improving the skin. Now we have the science to back it up. The study suggests that fasting impacts every cell in the body including our skin.
The effects of the fasting-mimicking diet on facial skin were subjectively assessed by skin expert and by the participants themselves, and objectively by VISIA and Antera imaging, and by a device known as a Corneometer.
Forty-five women with mild to moderate dry fine lines, lack of skin smoothness, uneven skin tone, and lack of radiance on the face participated in the study.
The participants in the trial consumed either 5-day ProLon once per month for 3 months in a row or continued with their regular diet.
Their skin was evaluated by skin experts who did not know whether the women were in the ProLon group or the regular diet group and assessed for skin quality
The imaging analysis was conducted using Antera 3D imaging and Visia Skin Analysis to determine moisture, texture, and smoothness.
Women who used ProLon for three consecutive months experienced significant improvements in fine lines, overall skin appearance, clarity, and radiance. The ProLon group also felt more confident about their skin, and felt that their skin was smoother, less dry, and had more even skin tone.
This was a trial sponsored by L-Nutra. It has not yet been published. Although small in the size of participants, it is a well designed, blinded study.